3 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Commercial Roof Needs to Be Repaired

Tony Britskey

Tony Britskey

CEO, Metro Roofing

3 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Commercial Roof Needs to Be Repaired

There is no denying that re-roofing your commercial building can be a pricey and stressful endeavour. There are countless factors that you need to go over before making a final decision.


However, the truth of the matter is that the majority of business owners occasionally do need to re-roof their businesses. This is particularly true if your commercial building is old and you want to keep it in good condition throughout the coming years.


Failing to re-roof your business can lead to expensive issues in the not-so-distant future. This is why businesses all over the city rely on our team at Metro Roofing – we take pride in being Toronto’s flat roof experts.


Our team is courteous, experienced and knowledgeable; not to mention, we’ve been experts in commercial roofing for 35 years. We’ve dealt with every commercial roofing problem that you can imagine.


Continue reading to learn more about the sure-fire signs that your business can benefit from roof repair.


1 – Leaks or Noticeable Water Damage

Some of the first things that you should look for while inspecting your business are leaks and water damage. Leaks can be caused by several things ranging from a compromised pipe to gaps in the seaming.


Regardless of the initial cause, if the problem isn’t dealt with quickly, it can lead to serious (and expensive) issues like flooding or structural instability.


Some early signs of leaking include:

  • Increased humidity
  • Stains on walls and/or ceiling
  • Mold growing in uncommon areas
  • Sightings of pests (insects, rodents, etc.)



If you notice any of these early signs, you need to get in contact with our team immediately. It won’t take long for you to see why the GTA has trusted us for nearly 4 decades — we offer a wide array of services, including 24-hour emergency leak repair. Whether it’s 5 in the morning or 5 in the afternoon, our team will be there to help.


At Metro Roofing, our team feels that fixing a leak is more of an art form than a science. Because of this, we feel the need to teach business owners and property managers the easiest ways to prevent future issues. Our team is always happy to educate business owners and property managers about every aspect of the leak repair or re-roofing process.


2 – Spiked Utility Bills

The majority of business owners are constantly looking for unique ways to cut down on unnecessary expenses.


However, many of these business owners are unaware that a damaged flat roof can increase their utility bills. This is because roofs lose a lot of their insulating properties after they’ve been damaged.


This damage is commonly caused by things like:

  • Weather
  • Age
  • Animals
  • Excessive Pressure


On the other hand, a well-maintained flat roof can trap in heat during the cold, winter months.


Additionally, in the warmer parts of the year, flat roofs reflect powerful sun rays away from the building. In turn, the interior of the building stays cooler.


This means that a well-maintained roof will help you save on your utilities throughout the entire year. Not to mention, your employees will appreciate the additional comfort while they work.


If your business is located in a particularly hot, snowy or damp area, the best solution may be to invest in hot tar roofing for your business.


Hot tar roofs are beneficial for business owners in scorching areas for one key reason: they prevent the building from overheating. This is thanks to tar’s ability to resist ultraviolet rays.


Alternatively, hot tar roofs are beneficial for people that live in snowy or damp climates because they encourage evaporation and minimize the amount of water that builds up over time.


3 – Roof Has Difficulty Supporting Itself

A roof is no longer suitable for a business if it can’t support itself efficiently. Sadly, even the best roofs can succumb to damage over time.


When a roof is subject to excessive amounts of snow, ice, water or other forms of moisture, several different aspects of it can be negatively affected.


Exposure to large amounts of moisture can cause the insulation to become soggy. Excessive amounts of moisture can also cause the rafters and joists in the roof to sag. The easiest way to spot this type of damage is by looking for a dip in the roof’s surface.


If you aren’t confident in your ability to identify this damage, you need to get in contact with our team today. Our team has the expertise required to identify the smallest sags or dips in your commercial flat roof.


Whether it’s a warehouse, office or retail space, you need to make sure that your commercial flat roof is in good condition. Although it can be difficult to assess the quality of a commercial roof by yourself, there are several things that you can look out for.


Some of the more noticeable things include leaks, higher utility bills and dips in the roof’s surface. If you happen to notice any of these common issues or want to get your roof inspected by a professional, be sure to call our team as soon as you can.

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