Planting Trees Near Your Business Can Compromise Your Commercial Roofing System

Tony Britskey

Tony Britskey

CEO, Metro Roofing

Planting Trees Near Your Business Can Compromise Your Commercial Roofing System

There are several reasons why a business owner may think that having trees near their business is beneficial.

In some ways, they’re right; a collection of looming trees can improve the air quality and reduce noise pollution. Trees are also an excellent source of natural shade — drag a picnic table underneath one, and you’ve created the perfect place for your employees to eat lunch.

However, this is where the list of benefits ends.

Having large trees near your business can do more harm than good. If the trees are too close to your business, they can cause the following issues:

  • Lifted concrete (from large tree roots and suckers)
  • Damaged drainage systems
  • Potential structural damage

Even worse, having trees too close to your commercial building can lead to several roof-related issues, like leaks. Failing to deal with these issues can result in thousands of dollars’ worth of flat roof repairs.

If you’d like to learn more about the dangers of having trees too close to your commercial building, then you should read the following list that our team at Metro Roofing has put together.

Metro Roofing is a roofing company that has over 35 years of commercial roofing experience; we specialize in:

  • Inspections
  • Repairs
  • Replacements

Over the years, our team has worked on several different types of commercial roofing systems. This hands-on experience gives us an advantage over our competition and allows us to complete any job efficiently.

However, we don’t just offer commercial roofing services; we have ample experience with residential homes as well! You can trust us to work on your business and home!

Heavy Branches Can Damage Your Roof

As the seasons transition from winter into spring, the weather begins to warm up. This causes a larger amount of moisture to evaporate into the atmosphere, causing it to rain more often.

Most of the time, these rainstorms will be relatively harmless; however, a particularly windy rainstorm can shake the trees, causing them to lose branches. If a large branch lands on your flat roof, it can potentially scratch or dent it. This can affect the overall appearance of the roof.

If the branch is heavy enough, it can crack the surface of the roof, which allows moisture to make its way inside of the system. This can cause severe internal damage and compromise the structural integrity of the roofing system.

If this ever happens to your flat roof, you should set up a meeting with one of our team members — we can professionally assess and repair your flat roof for you.

Do you need immediate assistance?

Then you should know that you can call us for emergency roof repairs at any time of day or night— we’ll be there before you know it! By choosing our emergency flat roof leak repair services, you’ll minimize your overall downtime and be able to reopen your doors that much sooner.

Clogged Gutters

Gutters are an essential part of both commercial and residential roofing systems. They prevent pooling on flat roofs and optimize water drainage. Furthermore, you can strategically install your gutter system to ensure that the water drains into a safe location.

However, gutters can only do this if they’re clean. If you don’t take the time to clean your gutters, they can become filled with all sorts of debris, including:

  • Twigs/small branches
  • Leaves/ evergreen needles
  • Pinecones
  • Acorns


These obstructions can compromise the drainage of your gutter system. If there is too much debris, it can result in clogging, which causes the gutters to overflow and pool on your flat roof.

If too much water accumulates on your flat roof, it can eventually seep into small openings and cracks. This can lead to leaks and potential structural damage.

If you’ve recently experienced a roof-related leak, you should call one of our team members. At Metro Roofing, repairing a leak is just as important as replacing a roof. We feel that repairing a leak is an art form; this has led us to create our own effective methods of identifying and dealing with leaks.

Pest Damage

Many animals, like squirrels and many species of birds, will spend the majority of their lives living in trees. Trees shelter these animals from cold temperatures and harsh weather conditions.

However, there is only so much room per tree; this means that some animals have to get creative.

If you have a large number of trees within close proximity of your business, these animals may try to seek refuge in your roof.

These animals can cause severe damage to your roof by chewing holes in hard surfaces or through wires. Furthermore, these animals will defecate in the roof, which can affect the air quality in your building and emit an unpleasant odour.

Although we can’t remove these pests for you, our team is more than happy to help fix any damage that they cause. We’ll use our expertise and hawk-eyes (no pun intended) to spot damage caused by unwanted critters.

Trees are an essential part of several ecosystems; they provide shelter, food and help clean the air that we breathe. However, it would be best if you thought twice before planting trees near your business.

Doing this can prevent a wide array of issues in the future, ranging from leaks to pest damage. If you’ve recently experienced tree-related roof damage, you know who to call: the experts at Metro Roofing.

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